First Year Newborn Baby Photography Package – Canton, GA Newborn Photographer


First Year Newborn Baby Photography Package – Canton, GA Newborn Photographer


Schedule your session!

Courtney Elise Photography is now offering an all-inclusive photography package to capture your newborn baby’s first year!

Almost any parent will tell you that the first year of your baby’s life is a complete whirlwind. The sessions I offer in my First Year Package will provide you with photographs that capture the precious newborn, six month, and one year milestones for you to treasure for years to come.

The Newborn Photography Session


Your newborn session will ideally occur in your baby’s first 7 to 14 days of life. This is when they are the most sleepy, and allow me to pose them for those oh so adorable shots. These tend to be longer sessions, and patience is key! You can expect to be at the studio for 2 to 4 hours depending on how cooperative the little one is feeling. For this session you will be able to choose from two backdrops. I provide props and wraps for baby and we will discuss beforehand if there is anything specific you would like included. For shots where family is included, I recommend neutral clothing. Busy patterns and loud colors can be distracting! All newborn sessions include 25 edited images for you to enjoy.

The 6 Months Photography Session


The next session of the First Year Package takes place at 6 months or when the baby is sitting up well on their own. This is the time where we really get to see your baby’s personality shine! These are one hour sessions and include 2 different set ups of your choosing. They can include any outfit or special sentiment you’d like. Mom and dad may be enlisted to catch baby’s attention or make them laugh, so be prepared to be silly and loud! All 6 month sessions include 15 edited images of your choice.

The First Birthday Photography Session


And the grand finale…The first birthday session! Like the 6 month session, this will also include two set ups and last approximately one hour. This is your chance to get creative! We can really embrace and show off your baby’s personality. It’s always a joy for me to see the amazing transformation that takes place over this time. You will receive 15 edited images from this session.

Schedule your session!

I look forward to watching your new baby grow through this milestone photography package. My studio is conveniently located in Canton, GA which is easily assessed from Milton, Roswell, Alpharetta, Cumming, Kennesaw, Marietta, and Woodstock. Spots fill quickly so reserve your spot now. For more information about pricing and how to book your session please click here. I look forward to hearing from you!

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