Owen is 1! ~ Baby Photographer in Kennesaw, GA

Can you believe your baby is about to turn one! WOW… how fast has this first year of their life has gone by? I still remember all the planning, the excitement and the joy of my daughter’s first birthday. I remember wondering …  is she going to walk yet? Is she going to like her cake? How will she react to all the balloons?

I know planning your child’s First Birthday is a lot of fun and so is planning their First Birthday Portrait. This milestone portrait session is so important as it will be one that hangs on your home’s walls for years to come. With the milestone session, you get two different backdrop scenes.  You have the option to add a smash cake to your session as well.  I have several different themes we can put together for your session or you can bring in a few of your favorite things to use during the smash cake portrait time.  You will always look back at the images we create of your child and remember the details of their most important first birthday.

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